2nd Annual Gateway Community Camp Out March 1st, 2014
2nd Annual Gateway Community Camp Out March 1st, 2014
Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 1st, Gateway Gives will be hosting a Community Camp Out at the Gateway Soccer Fields (Sherman Soccer Complex). Families are invited to come pitch a tent and spend the night camping under the stars!
This camping event is for everyone from the experienced to the first timers. Gateway Gives will have food, fun and games and activities for all. For your peace of mind there will be a Deputy on location over night for the event. Register NOW!
- Tent fee is $30 for your space
- Set up will be from 2:00-5:00 on Saturday March 1st
- Gateway Gives will have games and activities for the kids
- Campers are responsible to bring everything they need
- Concessions will be available
- Volunteer opportunities for those that would like to help out
- Pack up by 12:00 on Sunday for campers
For more information or to register visit: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=agjcijjab&oeidk=a07e8vvdazk7f5447fc
Sherman Soccer Complex
13240 Griffin Drive
Fort Myers, FL 33913