Southeastern Guide Dogs 2020 Walkathon scheduled for Saturday, April 18th, at JetBlue Park goes Virtual

Southeastern Guide Dogs goes to great lengths to keep its human and canine family safe and healthy at all times. That is why, with an abundance of caution in dealing with the risks posed by the coronavirus, the Fort Myers Walkathon is going VIRTUAL. What does this mean exactly? The Walkathon will not take place at JetBlue Park as originally planned and instead, participants are encouraged join them for a virtual walk.
At 10 am on April 18th, they want you and your four-legged friend to participate in our virtual experience. Whether you are walking on a treadmill, walking in your neighborhood, or even in your living room, put on your walking shoes, leash up your dog and walk your paws for the cause! And while you’re walking, take a selfie and post your picture or video to social media and tag us using the social media handles listed below:
Facebook: @southeasternguidedogs
Instagram: @seguidedogs
Twitter: @seguidedogs
Hashtags: #walkathon #seguidedogswalkathon #seguidedogs #southeasternguidedogs #raiseapuppy
Walkathon is Southeastern Guide Dogs’ largest fundraiser of the year and is relied upon to bring in more than one million dollars annually to fund the organization’s mission. The organization accepts no government funding and depends 100% on private donations and grants to provide its life-changing guide and service dogs to the people who need them—at no charge. Due to unforeseen economic challenges tied to the coronavirus pandemic, the monies raised by thousands of individual Walkathon team members is critical this year, more than ever.
So, keep fundraising, keep sharing your page on social media, and keep your walking shoes handy. While we can’t all walk together, with your help, our graduates will never walk alone.