New Gateway Multi-Family Homes 220 Mid-Rises in Development at Gateway Blvd. & Griffin Dr.

Currently named Cayo Pelon at Gateway, the plans are to construct 220 Mid-rise multi-family units in 5 four-story buildings. There will be 44 units per building and the development will sit on the 12.95 acre site at the northeast corner of Gateway Boulevard and Griffin Drive with direct access to Gateway Boulevard.
A certificate to dig permit was recently approved by Lee county for Hole Montes, a full service engineering firm with offices in Naples and Fort Myers.
The approved permit’s project description stated:
Approved for construction of infrastructure to support 220 mid-rise multi-family dwelling units in 5 four-story buildings (44 units per building) on an approximate 12.95-acre site with direct access to Gateway Blvd, related site grading, and other improvements including constructing/installing with the required permits: a single-story amenity center (non-public-use), utility (i.e. electric, gas, sanitary sewer, water, etc.) connections, an irrigation system, a solid waste dumpster enclosure(s), stormwater management infrastructure, a paved parking lot and driveway access, a right- turn lane, traffic signing and pavement markings, a bicycle rack, a mail kiosk, a pool, a playground, a sidewalk/walkway, outdoor lighting, fencing, an access gate, landscaping, and related improvements in conformance with the approved plans. [CNC2022-00045]”